Hoping everyone will have a great new years party wherever you are in the world!
I was spoilt at Christmas and now well prepared for 2020 with 3 bottles of feijoa booze.
Bottle 1 is Zumwphl Feijoa German Style Schnaps
Bottle 2 is a boxed bottle of 8th Tribe Feijoa Liqueur
Bottle 3 is a bottle of 42 Below feijoa vodka.
There’s also one tiny feijoa fruit, many more fruit this size on the plants, but they’re far too small to sell on here even though they’re small they are full of natural sugars and are some of the sweetest feijoas I’ve ever eaten.
Feijoa flavoured alcoholic drinks!

I’m now off to eat the teeny tiny feijoa. Hope it’s like previous ones and is very tasty. The very first UK grown feijoa I managed to grow was this size, it was also the only one on the tree that year.
Have a great New Years and a Feijoa filled 2020. – Gav.